Sunday, July 31, 2011

Should it worry me?

Should it worry me?
That I can detach from crowds
and watch from a distance
while others are
laughing, talking?
I hide behind my pencil
and bent notebook.
Am I a coward
to secret myself in these pages?

Waiting, on a Winter's day

I lay expectant on that couch
the blue one
with its back to the window
while my father's grandfather clock
my inheritance
ticked resolutely on.

Who was I waiting for?
I can't recall.
I only remember:
how bright the day was
how blue the sky
the dogs sprawled catatonic
absorbing dregs of heat
from the winter sun
while I lay on that blue couch
as my inheritance
ticked resolutely on.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Waiting Room

I know this chair.
It's simple, no frills.
Completely ordinary really.
Nothing special.
Not very comfortable either.
I know this chair.
I have,
after all,
been waiting in it
for at least an hour.

part of me

When i am still:
the entire world spins on without me.
But when i move:
i pull everyone along with me.

i am the burning passion of youth,
unquenched by experience.
i am dreams, put in motion,
in whose wake thousands eddy off
and spin their own.
i am the source and driver of change.
i am the best parts of Me,
the only ones I want You to see.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lights on the Night-road

The darkness rolls on.
I sit here in silent motion,
watching oases of light
slide past my window.

I am not alone of this road.
Pairs of ruby-embers burn brightly ahead.
A wall of white-diamonds
flows steadily on my right.
Where are they going,
these people of the Night-road?

I am one of them,
yet separate.
We roll onwards
with the sunrise at my back.


You wouldn't know they were there.
Just a flick of a wing
or a hop to the side.
Their shadows in the setting sun could
just as well
be the shade of a tuft of grass
or a small rock

They move. As one.
A rolling wave of wingbeats
on the parched ground.
A trill from the sergeant bird,
the disordered ranks
vault into the air.

Their cloud drifts away.
An avian shoal
against the dry tawny grass.

*Mossies: Afrikaans name for Cape Sparrows